100 days to go until the start of UEFA EURO 2024: Fan Zone Hamburg becomes the home of the European Football Championship in the North

The UEFA EURO 2024 begins 100 days from today on June 14, which is also the opening day for the "Fan Zone Hamburg" on Heiligengeistfeld. On 22 match days until July 14, the site in the center of Hamburg will be the home of the European Football Championship in the north and invites you to experience soccer and emotions together with free admission. On 15 match days, there will also be public viewing for event enthusiasts.

The Fan Zone Hamburg with public viewing will be the center for soccer fans from June 14 to July 14. While five UEFA EURO 2024 matches will be played in the Volksparkstadion, the centrally located Heiligengeistfeld, right next to the Millerntor stadium and not far from the Reeperbahn, will be filled with a festival atmosphere on every match day of the tournament. This is where fans of all teams meet, celebrate together and perhaps experience another summer fairytale.

"We want to be the home of the European Championship. If you didn't get tickets for the Volksparkstadion, you don't have to miss out on the special atmosphere of this major event," says organizer Uwe Bergmann, "because the Fan Zone will be the place to be in Hamburg during the tournament. We want fans from all nations to have a great time with us. The Fan Zone will also offer families, event and sports enthusiasts a relaxed live experience."

Hamburger bergmanngruppe is organizing the Fan Zone on behalf of Hamburg Tourismus GmbH. It has many years of experience with major events and has been the organizer of fan festivals in Hamburg since 2010.

Fan Zone not just for designated soccer fans

The Fan Zone Hamburg will be open on 22 match days and is not just a meeting point for designated fans. The concept for UEFA EURO 2024 has been modified compared to the well-known fan festivals of recent years and now provides more of a festival atmosphere. Here, sport and culture, people of all nations, with and without disabilities, come together in a sustainable and inclusive way. A Ferris wheel offers an overview of the Fan Zone and St. Pauli, a beach club invites you to chill out and an activity area with a soccer court encourages you to get moving.

A wide range of gastronomic offerings can be found not only at the countless food trucks, but also in the Fan Pavilion with a culinary focus on the participating soccer nations. A stage program offers plenty of entertainment. The UEFA EURO 2024 matches can also be followed on large screens throughout the area. This makes the Fan Zone the perfect feel-good place for families, friends, the international Hamburg soccer community and fans of the nations playing in Hamburg. The area offers space for a maximum of 10,000 visitors. Initial information and impressions can be found at www.hamburg-tourism.de/fan-zone.

Football arena for tournaments of all kinds

The Fan Zone also has its own football arena as a mobile stadium for 1,200 spectators. The focus here is on organized soccer tournaments and grassroots sport in all its facets - true to the UEFA EURO 2024 motto "United by Football". The arena is the ideal venue for a variety of competitions such as inclusion, homeless and queer tournaments as well as matches between school classes.

Public viewing offers stadium atmosphere and emotion  

On a total of 15 tournament days, a large public viewing area for up to 40,000 spectators will also be open in the Fan Zone Hamburg. A 100 square meter screen will show all Germany matches, the matches played in the Volksparkstadion and the matches of the final round. As experienced at previous World and European Championships, the stadium atmosphere and pure soccer emotion reign here. Fan celebrations are in the foreground: all supporters of the respective teams celebrate great international soccer together. There is also a somewhat quieter extra area for families with children. The public viewing area will only be open temporarily for the matches mentioned above and will then complement the rest of the fan zone with additional food and beverage stands.

A VIP area with a grandstand, a two-storey container facility and a perfect view of the large screen completes the public viewing offer. International catering and a wide range of drinks offer exclusive experiences for visitors and groups. Tickets at https://nordevent-shop.de/events-und-kulinarisches/public-vip-viewing/ and for companies at https://www.nordevent.de/de/teambuildings/public-vip-viewing.

Green Fan Zone

UEFA EURO 2024 has set itself the goal of becoming the greenest and most sustainable major soccer tournament in Europe to date. The goal of the Fan Zone Hamburg and its local partners is therefore to be as climate-neutral and waste-free as possible. A comprehensive reusable system, waste separation for both visitors and operators and a bicycle checkroom are just three components of a comprehensive sustainability concept. Social aspects such as inclusion through accessibility and multilingualism also play an important role. An awareness concept, especially for public viewing, is a matter of course.


The Hamburg Fan Zone on Heiligengeistfeld is organized by Hamburg-based uba gmbh, a bergmanngruppe company, on behalf of Hamburg Tourismus GmbH.

UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany

For the first time since reunification, the Federal Republic of Germany will host a UEFA EURO in 2024. The logo, which represents the colors of the UEFA member associations, and the slogan "United by Football. United in the heart of Europe" symbolize the ambition to host a EURO for everyone.

Netherlands, Czech Republic, Croatia, Albania and Turkey to play in Hamburg
The people of Hamburg can look forward to the national teams of the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Albania and Turkey. These nations will play in the preliminary round at Hamburg's Volksparkstadion. In addition, either Georgia, Luxembourg, Greece or Kazakhstan and Poland, Estonia, Wales or Finland from the UEFA play-off matches still to be played will come to the city. A quarter-final on July 5 will then conclude UEFA EURO 2024 in Hamburg.

The five matches in Hamburg:

  • June 16: Play Off Winner Group A vs. the Netherlands
  • June 19: Croatia vs. Albania
  • June 22: Play Off Winner Group C against Czech Republic
  • June 26: Czech Republic vs. Turkey
  • July 5:     Quarterfinals

1,600 volunteers will be on duty in Hamburg during UEFA EURO 2024 (1,000 in the stadium, 600 in the city).

Hamburg's Host City Ambassador for UEFA EURO 2024 is Patrick "Coach" Esume, Commissioner European Football League.

Content for the media:

Photos and further content on the Fan Zone can be downloaded - free of rights for editorial reporting -  here:


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#hostcityhamburg, #euro2024, #fanzonehamburg, #hamburgahoi

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