HamburgAmbassadors -
the volunteer network for Hamburg

The idea behind the HamburgAmbassadors

There are people all over the world who feel connected to Hamburg. Because they were born, lived, studied or worked in the metropolitan region.

Some of these people have taken on important positions in social, economic or cultural life in their current places of residence, but still feel very connected to their "home city" of Hamburg despite the physical distance.

This connection offers the Hanseatic city great potential for networking worldwide. The Senate Chancellery, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the institutions involved in Hamburg Marketing have therefore launched the Hamburg Ambassador Programme, which is coordinated by Hamburg Marketing GmbH. It supports one of the most important goals of the Hamburg Senate: To further raise Hamburg's profile internationally. The result is an innovative network with which Hamburg is breaking new ground in the areas of advertising, image promotion and active location marketing. Currently, 33 people in 26 countries are active worldwide as honorary ambassadors for the city.

Worldwide locations

Topics in focus


The honorary representatives are committed to promoting Hamburg within their sphere of influence.

They promote the metropolis at business events, through individual lectures or, for example, Hamburg evenings organised by them, to which they invite business partners and decision-makers from politics, business and society.

In addition, the Hamburg Ambassadors are involved in the planning of trade fairs, conferences, congresses and receptions and support the preparation of the city's international activities with their contact networks.

Appointment and farewell

The First Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg appoints the Hamburg Ambassadors after a selection committee made up of representatives from the Senate Chancellery, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Economics and Innovation, Hamburg Marketing and Hamburg Invest has reviewed the proposed candidates.

The appointment is initially for a period of three years, but can be extended as often as required with the agreement of all parties involved. If a HamburgAmbassador moves their place of residence and work to another part of the world or returns to Germany, the honorary position ends.

"We, the HamburgAmbassadors, give our city a personal voice around the world. We build bridges and position the city and its Metropolitan Region abroad."

- Mission statement of the Hamburg Ambassador Programme

HamburgAmbassador Meeting

In order to provide intensive support for the Hamburg Ambassadors in their voluntary work and to facilitate dialogue between them, a meeting is held in Hamburg every year in May.

Over three days, Hamburg Marketing GmbH and its partners present news from the city and offer a top-class, high-quality programme of lectures, site visits and receptions as well as networking events. The response to the events shows the great willingness of the Hamburg Ambassadors to get involved in this voluntary work and to find out about the latest developments.

HamburgAmbassador Alumni

After their active role in the HamburgAmbassador network has ended, former HamburgAmbassadors often have a strong interest in remaining connected to the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and its representatives.

Joining the HamburgAmbassador Alumni Network offers an excellent opportunity to maintain such a bond. In contrast to the active HamburgAmbassadors, the alumni are not organised regionally, but rather by topic, depending on the areas of interest and opportunities of the individual members. They meet several times a year to exchange ideas or to organise internal events.


Get in touch now

Would you like to find out more about the HamburgAmbassador programme or get in touch with a HamburgAmbassador? We look forward to hearing from you.

Your contact person

Wiete Emskötter

Project Manager International Marketing Cooperations

Hamburg Marketing GmbH
Wexstraße 7
20355 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 - 41 11 10 632
Mobile: +49 - 172 85 26 989

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