Hamburg 2024 - Something is happening! Spectacular container installation for UEFA EURO 2024 can be seen in the Port of Hamburg for another week

Yesterday, Hamburg staged the group draw for the European Football Championship spectacularly in the Port of Hamburg. Opposite the Elbphilharmonie, where the "Final Draw" took place, the draw was simultaneously re-enacted by Hamburg port workers with colorful country containers in a unique action. The installation will be on display opposite HafenCity until at least December 10 and can also be admired in miniature at Miniatur Wunderland from Monday. The country containers of the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Croatia, Albania and Turkey are particularly important for Hamburg: these national teams will be playing in the Volksparkstadion during the UEFA EURO 2024.

It could have been the last outside bet on Thomas Gottschalk's "Wetten, dass": 25 containers, 12 x 70-ton reach stackers, 70 port employees and a spectacular result. A 12-metre-high container structure made the final draw of UEFA EURO 2024, the Elbphilharmonie concert hall and the Port of Hamburg an impressive experience for the whole of Europe. With containers designed in the flags of the participating countries, the group draw was recreated simultaneously and in a spectacular way. And the port of Hamburg employees managed it: they stayed within the global TV broadcast of the event to the exact second. Until shortly before 7 p.m., they created a perfect final image of the draw.  

Hamburg residents and their guests can experience the six unmissable container towers at O'Swaldkai opposite HafenCity Hamburg at least until Sunday, December 10, 2023 and look forward to the next "Football Summer Fairytale" from June 14 to July 14 or take a pre-Christmas trip to the port.

The best viewpoints are:

  • A harbor tour with the Hamburg barge operators
  • From the south-east corner of the Plaza of the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
  • From the Strandkai in HafenCity Hamburg

At nightfall, the installation is atmospherically illuminated.

VIDEO of the Final Draw container installation:

The European Football Championship also kicks off at Miniatur Wunderland on Monday

In the days leading up to the draw, the containers of the nations taking part in the draw were already traveling on wagons through Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg's Speicherstadt warehouse district. The creators of the city's most visited tourist attraction turned out to be real soccer fans and will be bringing the installation en miniature and with the typical Wunderland wink to the Speicherstadt next week (

Netherlands, Czech Republic, Croatia, Albania and Turkey in Hamburg

The people of Hamburg can already take a closer look at the nation containers of the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Albania and Turkey, as these nations will be playing in the preliminary round at Hamburg's Volksparkstadion. In addition, either Georgia, Luxembourg, Greece or Kazakhstan and Poland, Estonia, Wales or Finland from the UEFA play-off matches still to be played will come to the city. A quarter-final on July 5 will then conclude UEFA EURO 2024 in Hamburg.

The five matches in Hamburg:

  • June 16: Play Off Winner C (Poland, Estonia, Wales or Finland) against the Netherlands
  • June 19: Croatia against Albania
  • June 22: Play Off Winner C (Georgia, Luxembourg, Greece, Kazakhstan) against Czech Republic
  • June 26: Czech Republic vs. Turkey
  • July 5: one quarter-final

Celebrations will take place in the summer together with the fans of these countries in the Football Village and at the public viewing in the fan zone on the Heiligengeistfeld (

Voices on UEFA EURO 2024 on "Einwurf - the sports podcast"

With the final draw in the Elbphilharmonie and the container installation, Hamburg and the host country Germany are getting in the mood for the upcoming European Championship. The Hamburg sports podcast "Einwurf - der Sportpodcast" captured the most important voices and opinions over the weekend - including from tournament director Philip Lahm, Interior and Sports Senator Andy Grote, Federal Minister of the Interior Nance Faeser and Abendblatt editor-in-chief Lars Haider. From Monday at

"Hamburg. There's something going on": international marketing campaign

The container installation is the starting signal for an international marketing and communication campaign with the claim "Hamburg. There's something going on." ("Hamburg. Great Things Start Here."), which is being developed and jointly implemented by Jung von Matt SPORTS and segmenta communications for Hamburg Marketing GmbH.

"This impressive campaign has shown what is possible in Hamburg and how much the city is looking forward to EURO 2024. The first highlight of the tournament took place here and more will follow," said Dr. Rolf Strittmatter, CEO of Hamburg Marketing GmbH.

The aim of the campaign is to use the occasion of UEFA EURO 2024 to present the city internationally as a cosmopolitan, football-loving host city and at the same time generate anticipation for the tournament in Hamburg and its metropolitan region.

UNIKAI Lagerei- und Speditionsgesellschaft mbH and LOTUS Containers GmbH are actively supporting the first campaign.

Content for the media:

Photos and other social media content on the container installation can be accessed here - free of charge for editorial reporting:

Our hashtags are:
#hostcityhamburg, #euro2024, #hamburgahoi

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