The gigantic event continues: Hamburg rings in the second match day of UEFA EURO 2024 with another container installation

The European Football Championship got off to a brilliant start in Hamburg last weekend: an orange fan walk with 40,000 Dutch fans, a packed Volkspark stadium and a very well-attended fan zone on Heiligengeistfeld whetted the appetite for soccer. The gigantic container installation in the Port of Hamburg was also converted accordingly for the second match day of the tournament, which starts today: the 25 containers will now visualize the pairings for the second match day of UEFA EURO 2024 until 21 June. A full house is expected in the fan zone with public viewing for both the Croatia v Albania match in the Volksparkstadion and the second group match of the German national team in the evening.

The container installation for the first match day of the EURO already aroused anticipation for the tournament among the people of Hamburg and their guests. Now the installation has been rebuilt in time  for the second match day: Once again, a container with the official UEFA EURO 2024 logo and 24 containers with the national flags of the participating nations have been stacked in six towers, symbolizing the twelve international matches of the second match day. In total, the installation is around 36 meters wide and 10 meters high. The O'Swaldkai opposite HafenCity Hamburg once again provides the perfect stage. Until June 21, the installation can best be seen from the Strandkai in HafenCity Hamburg, from the plaza of the Elbphilharmonie and, of course, from a boat on a harbor tour. The "Spectacular of the Host City Hamburg" will then become even more spectacular for the round of 16 and the start of the final round of EURO 2024.

Full house in the Fan Zone at Heiligengeistfeld

Despite the rather modest weather, the Fan Zone Hamburg has developed into the EURO hotspot of the north over the last few days. Two very well-attended public viewings with 48,000 visitors each day, an "Oranje Day" with fans from the Netherlands and a whole host of programs in the Fan Zone and the associated football arena brought fans from all nations together in line with the tournament motto "United by Football".

The Fan Zone program for the next few days:

19.06. Public viewing of the Croatia v Albania match - with an expected 20,000 Croatian fans (from 15:00).

19.06. Public viewing of the second match between the German national team and Hungary (from 18:00)

19.06. Concentrated female power on the stage of the Fan Zone: the "VorstadtWibes" heat up the fans with pop hits (14:15-17:30)    

20.06. Kicking Girls Project in the Football Arena of the Fan Zone, organized by the Hamburg Football Association

21.06. Hinz und Kunzt exhibition in the Community Spot of the Fan Zone

21.06. Final round of the "Homeless EURO 2024" in the Football Arena of the Fan Zone: Homeless people from different European nations compete against each other. The aim of this project is to draw attention to the issues of poverty, homelessness and sport in a positive way.

22.06. Inclusion Day of the Sepp Herberger Foundation with the topics blind, deaf and amputee soccer

More information about the Fan Zone Hamburg at


Content for the media (rights-free for editorial reporting):

Host City Media Center in the Fan Zone Hamburg:

During the tournament, Hamburg will offer a comprehensive service on Hamburg and the event itself in a media center directly in the Fan Zone Hamburg.

For security reasons, the following access rules apply to the Fan Zone Hamburg and the Media Center:

Media accredited by UEFA have free access to the Fan Zone
Media representatives without UEFA accreditation should register via the following link at least 4 working days in advance:

The Media Center team can be reached at any time at: or +49-160 97298302

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