Media Relations
Hamburg’s one-stop shop and communication hub for media, journalists and bloggers

HMG Media Relations:
The business unit
Hamburg’s one-stop shop and communication hub for media, journalists and bloggers
The HMG’s Media Relations business unit offers comprehensive information and content management for media representatives, journalists and bloggers. Our extensive media services include e.g. feature ideas, videos, television footage, links, referral to relevant contact persons, as well as research services on key topics relating to the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. In addition, our Media Relations staff communicate news and stories from Hamburg to media around the globe – either directly or via competent partners in the respective markets, thereby supplying a worldwide network of communication partners and media enterprises with Hamburg-related news.
Media relations for Hamburg: an integrated approach
The Media Relations department comprises an expert team dedicated to integrated media work on Hamburg as a tourism and business location, as well as on topics relating to culture and events. Our communication measures position the location of Hamburg in national and international media, attract attention to Hamburg, increase awareness of the city and launch products form Hamburg in the media with a focus on sales. The HMG’s media work is currently conducted on behalf of and in close collaboration with the Hamburg Marketing GmbH, the Hamburg Tourismus GmbH and the HWF Hamburg Business Development Corporation.
In addition, the Media Relations department supports municipal partners in their ongoing press work by putting them on the map of international media and by providing content as needed.
Positioning Hamburg internationally
In 2013, measures implemented by the Media Relations team generated around 9,000 Hamburg-related editorial pieces across the globe and about 4 billion contacts via print media, blog posts, online reports, and television and radio. From among these, 1/8 was attributable to the German market and 7/8 were attributable to international markets, most notably the United States and China.
In 2014, the HMG’s Media Relations department served some 1,100 journalists and bloggers, of which 75% were dealt with in person as part of a complimentary press trip or in response to a query.
Media campaigns attract worldwide attention
In order to place topics internationally in a way that is consistent with the Hamburg brand and according to occasion, the Media Relations team clusters classic media relations and blogger relations instruments, enabling them to simultaneously launch several occasions or sub-projects.
Example: the single-issue campaign “Hamburg: the music capital”
In 2014, the topic of “music capital” served as the umbrella theme for inviting international journalists to join the 300th anniversary of C.P.E. Bach, the Elbjazz Festival, the Dockville Festival, the Reeperbahn Festival and the 1st Hamburg International Music Festival; for visiting concerts by the Ensemble Resonanz chamber orchestra; for presenting the Elbphilharmonie concert hall; for organising background talks with music directors, press officers of orchestras, record labels and concert promoters; for supplying journalists with resources on the Composers’ Quarter and the history of classical music in Hamburg; for presenting Hamburg’s music scene at various events (such as SWSX); for taking a guided tour through rocking St Pauli with band Rhonda, and for following the trail of the Beatles through Hamburg. All of these onsite activities were flanked by additional communication measures, e.g. social media activities and traditional media information, and close collaboration with local partners and agencies.
Our range of services
Content management & services:
- informational material, texts, pictures and footage: facts, figures and stories across all topics (tourism, business, culture, urban development, port, politics, society, science, education, sports, etc.)
• responding to media enquiries – first port of call for international journalists
• referral to / integration of key experts for specific topics
• research support
• referral of interview partners in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region
• onsite support and organisation as well as themed visiting programmes
• invitation programmes for media representatives
• advice and support for television crews; location scouting
Information management & communication:
- worldwide communication measures either directly or via local partners
o classic media relations with a focus on print media, television and radio
o online PR directly or via news and content providers
o social media activities targeting disseminators via Twitter and blogs
- international partner networks in the area of media