Supervisory Board and Management Board
The Supervisory Board: advisory and control body

The Supervisory Board advises and supervises the executive board of the HMG (Hamburg Marketing GmbH) and appoints its managing directors. It comprises eleven members, whereby six are designated by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, three by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and two by the administrative districts of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.
The Supervisory Board is chaired by Hamburg’s Senator for Economy and Innovation, Senator Michael Westhagemann. The interests of all Hamburg authorities are taken into account. The Meeting of Partners prepares HMG’s Supervisory Board meetings and exercises control functions.
Marketing committees and specialised authorities: exchange and networking

The Marketing Board serves as a platform for exchanging information with other municipal stakeholders involved in Hamburg-related marketing and for initiating cross-cutting measures. The “heads of marketing” meeting, which is chaired by the HMG, serves as a platform for discussing and adopting marketing board decisions.
The Ministry of Economic and Innovation is responsible for the strategic coordination of Hamburg-related marketing. The Ministry collaborates closely with the Hamburg Marketing GmbH and other marketing stakeholders from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. The structures, tasks and objectives of the Hamburg Marketing GmbH are stipulated in the Senate Paper 19/6161.