“We, the HamburgAmbassadors, give our city a personal voice around the world. We build bridges and position the city and its Metropolitan Region abroad.”
behind the HamburgAmbassadors
People all over the world feel connected to Hamburg – either because they were born here or have lived, studied or worked in the city for a while.
Some of these people have taken on important positions in society or in the business or cultural world in their current places of residence. Yet, despite the distance, they still feel a strong connection to Hamburg as their (adopted) home city.
This strong bond offers the Hanseatic city huge potential for networking across the globe. That is why the Senate Chancellery, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and stakeholders involved in marketing Hamburg have developed the HamburgAmbassador programme, coordinated by Hamburg Marketing. It is one of the most important aims of the Hamburg Senate to promote international awareness of Hamburg. These efforts have resulted in an innovative network that opens up new opportunities in terms of advertising, image promotion and active location marketing. A total of 33 people in 26 countries across the world are acting as honorary representatives.

The honorary representatives work on behalf of Hamburg in their respective spheres of activity. They promote the Hamburg Metropolitan Region at business events by giving talks or organising customised Hamburg nights for business partners, political decision makers or local representatives.
In addition, HamburgAmbassadors are involved in the planning of trade fairs, meetings, conferences and receptions, and support the city’s activities abroad through their own contact networks.

Appointment to office and expiry
The First Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg appoints the HamburgAmbassadors to their office, after a selection committee, comprising representatives of the Senate Chancellery, the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Hamburg Marketing and Hamburg Invest, has reviewed the candidate proposals.
Initially, the Ambassadors are appointed for a period of three years. However, the office can be extended as often as desired with the agreement of all parties involved. The honorary office expires when a HamburgAmbassador shifts his or her place of residence and sphere of work to another part of the world or returns to Germany.

HamburgAmbassador Meeting
The annual HamburgAmbassador meeting is held every year in May to fully support the ambassadors and to offer them networking opportunities. Over three days, Hamburg Marketing GmbH and its partners present news from the city and offer a high-calibre, high-quality programme of lectures, site visits, receptions and networking events. The response to these events shows the great willingness of HamburgAmbassadors to become involved in this honorary office and to learn about the latest developments.

HamburgAmbassador Alumni
Former HamburgAmbassadors often have a strong interest in remaining connected to the City of Hamburg and its representatives after ending their active role in the HamburgAmbassador network.
Joining the HamburgAmbassador Alumni Network provides an excellent opportunity to continue to maintain such ties. In contrast to the active HamburgAmbassadors, the Alumni are not regionally focused, but rather topic-based, depending on the individual members' areas of interest and opportunities. They meet several times a year to exchange ideas or to hold internal events.
Contact HamburgAmbassador Office
Would you like to get more information about the HamburgAmbassador programme or contact a HamburgAmbassador? We would be delighted to offer you any assistance needed.

Wiete Emskötter
Project Manager International Marketing Cooperations
Hamburg Marketing GmbH
Wexstraße 7
20355 Hamburg, Germany
Email: wiete.emskoetter@marketing.hamburg.de
Phone: +49 40 - 41 11 10 632
Mobil: +49 - 172 85 26 989