Nord Coast Coffee Roastery

The newest roastery in Hamburg’s oldest street. Jörn Gorzolla worked in the Speicherstadt roastery and thus, has a wealth of experience how to treat rare and precious coffee beans. 50 cents per sold kilo of coffee is donated to social projects in the producing countries. Nice!
Deichstraße 9 (Neustadt)
Tel.: +49 (0)40 36 09 34 99
Public Coffee Roasters

Whether it is filter coffee, flat white, cappuccino or cold brew: The Public Coffee Roasters baristas will give you detailed advise on which kind of coffee suits your taste best and how they differ from another. The result of the accurate preparation is an absolute pleasure, without any hint of bitterness in its taste. If you want to learn more about the art of making coffee, you can ask for some advice on how to brew coffee the right way with your own machine at home.
Wexstraße 28 (Neustadt)
Tel: +49 (0)176 93 17 15 80
Quijote Kaffee

The Quijote coffee roastery stands for quality. Here, there is carefully selected green coffee that comes from direct trade. The coffee roastery strives for long-term cooperation with the coffee farmers in order to guarantee them a secure income in the future.
Marckmannstraße 30 (Rothenburgsort)
Tel: +49 (0)40 380 732 30

The Coffeum roastery is a Hamburg-based family business that has been in existence since 1998 and specialises in single-origin and farm coffees.
Steinstraße 19a (St. Georg)
Tel: +49 (0)40 325 263 64
Coffee Roastery Burg

It belongs to Eppendorf as the Klosterstern and was founded in 1923 on the Eppendorfer Weg: One of three roasteries of the pre-war time that has survived. Huge range of finest coffees. They also offer seminars and tastings.
Eppendorfer Weg 252 (Eppendorf)
Tel.: +49 (0)40 42102040
Maya Coffee Roastery

Every cup reflects the fair cooperation with the coffee farmers, the love for the environment and for our own employees. This makes enjoying the refined premium coffee even more fun! "Maya" stands for the origin of the coffee from Mexico, the homeland of the Maya. The coffee is grown by small farmers in self-managed cooperatives. The roastery supports them by providing working materials, medical equipment and through partnerships with schools and workshops for the disabled.
Hammerbrookstraße 75 (Hammerbrook)
Tel: +49 (0)40 23686968
Speicherstadt Coffee Roastery

Nearly 100 roasts of up to 45 species, including many rare beans from small farms – That’s what happens in the roastery at Kehrwieder every week. Each bean is perfectly brewed by experienced baristas in the accompanying coffeehouse.
Kehrwieder 5 (Speicherstadt)
Tel: +49 (0)40 31 81 61 61
Stockholm Espresso Club

The coffee in Stockholm Espresso Club is not just another coffee, it is of finest quality and imported from a small Swedish roasting facility. The staff call themselves sommeliers of the coffee world and they are passionate about high-class coffee for a great flavor experience. There is also a small choice of food and other drinks on the menu and you can buy the coffee beans for a treat at home.
Peter-Marquard-Str. 8 (Winterhude)
Tel: +49 (0)160 48 37 361

The roasting facility and café Elbgold is hidden amidst the rough industrial charm of the Schanzen-Höfe. There you can try some of Hamburg’s finest coffee which comes in 25 different types, is fair trade and originates from the most sustainable growing-areas in the world. Also there are different cakes, baguettes and bagels available. Aside from the popular café in Schanzenviertel, there is one in Eppendorf and Winterhude.
Lagerstraße 34c (Schanzenviertel) Tel: +49 (0)40 23 51 75 20
Mühlenkamp 6a (Winterhude)Tel: +49 (0)40 27 88 22 23
Eppendorfer Baum 26 (Eppendorf) Tel: +49 (0)40 41 62 57 71
Kaffeemuseum at the Genuss-Speicher

A terrific coffee Potpourri in the vaulted cellar of an old coffee store: Coffee grinders and filters, coffee cans, cups and jugs, advertising, music, processing machines, an old grocery store, books about a long insolvent coffee trading house - A lot to discover! One floor above is the roast houses, where twelve types of coffee -steamed, pressed or filtered- are offered.
St. Annen-Ufer 2 (HafenCity)
Tel: +49 (0)40 55 20 42 58
Coffee Unlimited

Birtha and Chirstian Haase have over 50 years of experiences together. Opened in 1999, their roastery is a guarantee for high quality. You can choose between four types of Espressi and six types of filtered coffee at the cozy coffeeshop. The transparent manufacotry is a highlitgh for visitors.
Hammerbrookstr. 75 (Hammerbrook)
Tel: +49 (0)40 23 68 69 68
Playground Coffee

At Playground Coffee, coffees from all over the world are waiting for you to try them. All beans are handpicked and fairly traded. The original goal of the founders was to turn mass-produced coffee into a quality product again - you can see for yourself how this goal was achieved on site.
Detlev-Bremer-Strasse 21 (St. Pauli)

At the Torrefaktum coffee roasting house, coffee is not only roasted by hand, but truly celebrated. In the Phoenixhof in Ottensen, a former ironworks, the coffee beans are roasted in small batches so that no aroma is lost. If you want to take a look behind the scenes, you can attend the coffee seminar and see how the beans are turned into freshly brewed coffee.
Bahrenfelder Straße 237 (Ottensen)
Deathpresso Coffee Roastery

Kopiba, the first coffee roastery, moved into Schanze in 2009. Kopiba stands for coffee and bar. Where you can drink the popular wake-up drink during the day, there are coffee cocktails in the evening. The coffee roastery also offers a wide range of events - whether live coffee roasting, coffee tasting or coffee training. Be prepared for a roastery of a different kind and also try the typical St. Pauli Deathpresso. In order to accommodate the increased coffee sales and to sharpen their own brand profile, the operators will change their name in April 2019 and continue to run the shop under the name Deathpresso GmbH.
Beim Grünen Jäger 24, 20359 Hamburg, Tel.: +49 (0)40 343824
Hermetic Coffee Roasters

Worth a visit not only for the coffee, but also for the fantastic cheesecake with strawberry sauce. The selection of coffees is diverse, as is the preparation. You can choose between a portafilter machine, brewing with an aero press, French press, hand filter or soap pot.
Sternstraße 68 (St. Pauli), Tel.: +49 (0) 40 33 98 82 98

Seit 30 Jahren erfreut Ertekin Hasanbeyoglu die Ottenser mit exzellent gerösteten Espressi und Kaffees aus seiner Gourmet-Rösterei. Und auch die hausgemachten Kuchen tragen zu seiner Beliebtheit im Viertel und mittlerweile zum internationalen Ruhm seiner Kaffees bei.
Große Brunnenstr. 60 (Ottensen)
Tel.: +49 (0)40 39 05 511

Carroux is at home in Hamburg Blankenese. At the end of the Elbchaussee, you can enjoy roasted coffee the way it tastes best - fresh. The roastery is especially known for its in-house espresso.
Elbchaussee 583 (Blankenese)
Tel.: +49 (0)40 80050590