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Klar til at tee off: Golfregion Hamburg kombinerer spændende byudflugter med afslappet puttning ved havnefronten

Den nordtyske Metropolregion Hamburg er en af de mest attraktive golf regioner i Europa – Alene 9 af de 50 bedste golfbaner i Tyskland er placeret omkring havnebyen Hamburg. Det særlige ved Golfregionen i nord er kombinationen af det pulserende hovedstadsområde og afslappet golf på landet. Hjemmesiden og et nyt printmagasin præsenterer de smukkeste steder i regionen, giver insidertips og viser en attraktiv by fra luksusshopping til kulturelle begivenheder og scene-gastronomi.

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Hamburg Among the Ten Most Liveable Cities Worldwide

Hamburg is the only German city among the ten most liveable cities worldwide, a scientific analysis made by the Magazine “The Economist” says. The city is particularly good in categories like healthcare, culture and environment, infrastructure and stability. Melbourne, Vienna and Vancouver are leading the ranking. With Helsinki there is only one more European metropolis in the top ten.



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gentle rain: Launch of a new Hamburg-themed magazine

A new international magazine is making its debut in Hamburg: gentle rain – and other reasons to love Hamburg is Hamburg’s first English-language city magazine. Jointly initiated by Hamburg Marketing GmbH and the editorial and design agency Die Brueder, this new magazine is mainly targeted at guests, potential new residents and other interested parties from abroad.

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Festivalsommar i Hamburg

I sommar blir hansestaden till ett festivalområde för konstälskare, rockare och familjer med Balettdagarna i Hamburg, Internationell sommarfestival på Kampnagel, MS DOCKVILLE, A Summer’s Tale och Festspelen i Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

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Festivalsommer i Hamborg

Balletdage, international sommerfestival på Kampnagel, MS DOCKVILLE, A Summer’s Tale, klassisk musikfestival i Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – om sommeren bliver Hamborg til en festivalzone for kunstelskere, rockfans og familier.

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Snart flyttar Hamburg till Göteborg

Under två dygn i september byter Göteborg skepnad och förvandlas till ett Hamburg i miniatyr, fullt med attraktioner för alla åldrar och intressen – från mat och musik till utomhusbio, tredimensionell konst och sjömän i storformat.

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Copyright Maxim Schulz

ELBPHILHARMONIE HAMBURG:Individual tickets for the first season’s concerts are now on sale

The wait is over: following on from the sales launch of subscriptions, now also individual tickets for the first season of concerts at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg are available to purchase. Tickets can be bought online or ordered by telephone.

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Spectacular cruise ship christening of the new AIDAprima during the 827. PORT ANNIVERSARY HAMBURG

German cruise company AIDA Cruises took the opportunity to present its newest fleet member at the 827. PORT ANNIVERSARY, the AIDAprima, in this stunning setting in the Port of Hamburg. With the spectacular christening ceremony and the impressive AIDA-fireworks it has been the perfect backdrop and the grand finale of the 827. PORT ANNIVERSARY HAMBURG on Saturday evening.

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Elbphilharmonie Hamburg is giving away 1,000 tickets for the opening concerts

Hamburg/Los Angeles, May 6, 2016 - The clock is ticking: on January 11 and 12, 2017 the new landmark of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, the Elbphilharmonie concert hall will celebrate its grand opening. Seats for the two opening concerts in the spectacular new concert hall on the river Elbe are highly coveted and not available on the free market. But the good news is: 1,000 exclusive tickets will be given away in a raffle.

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The world’s biggest maritime festival: Hamburg celebrates its 827th PORT ANNIVERSARY with a four-day party programme

Hamburg, May 4th, 2016 (HHT) – This coming weekend, the north German city of Hamburg is once again hosting the world’s biggest port festival. The 827th PORT ANNIVERSARY will be held from 5 to 8 May – with a four-day programme, and 300 ships and sea-faring vessels that will set the perfect scene on the River Elbe and in the port and attract more than 1.5 million visitors.

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